Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Party's Over

I had two sweet little cowboy hats that I liked to put on my dogs for dress up. Pink for the girl and a surprising emerald green for the boy. From time to time I chose a theme and dressed them accordingly, western-style being my favorite. I also had some exquisite pearl earrings that I would softly clip on to their ears when we were playing "fine dining".

Several months ago my husband came home early from work. He found the three of us in costume. I believe we were adorned festively in our bold fortune teller fare. He stood in the bedroom doorway wearing jeans and a look that is relatively hard to describe. Somewhere between "dear god, I made a big mistake" and "my wife is cheating on me". After several deep breaths he asked me never to play dress up with our dogs again. I countered that with all the money I had sunk into our matching wardrobes, it seemed a shame to end it all. He countered with, stop it.

And so I have. Nothing but some polaroids and the occasional stray red boa feather for memories. But what sweet memories they are.

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