Sunday, September 4, 2011

Tea Party Smarty!

Sexy? Sure. Feisty? Check! Unbalanced? You be the judge, America.

I'm speaking of course about this country's double barreled asset, Mrs. Michele Bachmann: Hothead Extraordinaire.

(Full disclosure - My uncle dated her husband in the late 80's. Super full disclosure - they're both not gay.)

I've got a lot to say about this pint-sized presidential candidate, but for now I'll just lay out some facts, Bachmann-Style:  (I'd like to impress upon you that she actually said these things. Out loud. Into a microphone. In front of people.):
-If you get rid of the minimum wage, you eradicate unemployment.
-Gay marriage is the biggest issue that will impact our nation.
-All cultures are not equal.
-If you take a child to see "Lion King" and tell him that the person who wrote the music is gay, the message your sending is, "I'm better at what I do because I'm gay."

That's right, she's got her head screwed on straighter than her husband.

Buckle up, voters, there's a lot more where this came from.

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